おいおい説明しますが、3台はライムグリーンのBrompton, チタンシルバーのKHS、そして
ダホンのクリンチですが、こんなに美しいのに実は不人気車かもしれません.なんとなく他のDAHON車と比較して流通していないような気がしますが,実は名車なんです.もっともDAHON車はこれ一台しか持ってないので比較はできませんが...不人気の理由は折りたたみ自転車にしては大柄,太いフレームは寸胴で重い印象がするし,センターの2本フレームの位置も一見は中途半端に見えます.同じDAHONのDash AltenaやDash P8のほうがスタイリッシュに見えますし,なにやら軽快そうです.クリンチは結構良い値段がするので,これだけの金額を出すなら他社も含めて選択肢は沢山あります.
まずはスタイルとカラーが好き好きがあります.折りたたみ時に6mmの六角レンチが必要.メカ系では,ブレーキがダメ.シートの座り心地とシートポストも微妙...タイヤとホイール,できればペダルも交換してみたい... こう書くと売れない理由になりそうですが...
DAHON CLINCH-D10 at Tokyo Station シートはでかいおケツ用に変えてあります. 良い色 |
・折りたたみヒンジの剛性はピカイチ,レバーがなくてすっきり.(JACK JAW folding Technology)
・ギアはなんと10段変速,Shimano Tiagraを装備.(フロントは1段なのも良い)
・なんと,ブロンプトンM3, KHS F-20RC,DAHON CLINCHはほぼ同じ重さ.(もしかするとノーマルでは一番軽いかも.)
まあ,そんな理屈はどうであれ,ブロンプトンM3,KHS F20-RC,クリンチの3台の中で,通勤などの普段使いでどれが一番かというと...やっぱりクリンチが乗りやすいですね.(実際に通勤時はほぼクリンチ...とど子に借りて...)
Brompton & DAHON Bromptonは本当は息子用 クリンチはとど子用 |
今見たらなんと2021年は新色で2色展開。でもそっちかあ〜〜〜 まあホワイトシルバーは限定で使ったしねえ
I sold both of my motorcycles and bought three folding bikes. Everyone told me I was an idiot, but it was for my family.
I'll explain later, but the three bikes are a lime green Brompton M3, a titanium silver KHS F-20RC, and a DAHON CLINCH.
Dahon Clinch, but for such a beautiful bicycle, it may actually be an unpopular. It seems to be not distributed compared to other Dahon bicycles, but in fact, it is a masterpiece. This Dahon looks too big for a folding bike and the frame is too thick which gives heavy impression, and the position of the two frames in the center looks halfway. Dash Altena and Dash P8 of the same Dahon looks more stylish and seems to be more light. Clinch is a pretty good price, so if you're willing to pay this much, there are many options, including other companies products.
But what is it? I still think it's a great bicycle. Ooops, but first, the shortcomings: There are many of them.
First of all, there's the likes of style and color. A 6 mm hexagonal wrench is required for folding. In mechanical systems, the brakes are no good. The seat is uncomfortable and the seat post is not such good. I'd like to change the tires, wheels, and hopefully the pedals. If I write it this way, it may be a reason why it doesn't sell a lot.
Good point about DAHON CLINCH
・Good body rigidity, straightness and stability.
・Very easy to fold. Also, it's probably smaller than the other DASH.
・The rigidity of the folding hinge is superb, and there are no levers. (JACK JAW folding technology)
・Low frame for easy straddling by women
・In fact, it has a large frame and a good view when the seat is placed in the right position (size for foreigners).
・The gears are equipped with 10-speed Shimano Tiagra. (I love that it's a single level front.)
・Royal purple, a nice and austere color, which has few similarities. Adults, women, and BBAs all look good. Suits are acceptable.
・Wow, the Brompton M3, KHS F-20RC, and DAHON CLINCH weigh about the same. (Maybe it's the lightest of all the normal ones...)
The reason why I bought this bike is because it is easy to step over for my wife, stability, has thick tires, folding bike, the color is good for a woman of wide age group, it is not too small and so on.
When I checked the clinch, I found an article of limited edition of Clinch. There was a beautiful silver limited edition bicycle before with an astonishing price tag of 550,000 yen (excluding tax). The basic frame shape is the same though the system and wheels are the higher specs. It's probably a well thought out frame balance for a limited edition luxury car.
Well, whatever the theory, out of the three bicycles - the Brompton M3, the KHS F20-RC, and the clinch - which one is the best for everyday use, such as commuting to work? It is easy to answer. I choose Clinch.