コロナ禍もあってかBromptonは巷で大人気で ,以前には沢山あった在庫もあっという間に品切れです.おそらく2021年の新色もすぐに売り切れてしまうでしょう.海外でも人気なようで,ロレックスみたいな事態にならないと良いなと思います.僕ももう一台欲しいぐらいなのですが,さすがに買えません.
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Brompton@国際会議場 |
土曜の夜に,”明日の日曜は晴れたら車に自転車を載せてポタリングをしよう” と提案したところ,息子(ティガ),奥様(とどこ)はDAHON CLINCHを希望です.奪い合いなぐらいの勢いです.ナゼ?って聞くと,乗りやすいからだそうです.ギヤの多さ,安定性,サドルの硬さとかもろもろ.とどこに言わせれば,ブレーキがよく効かないのも安心だそうです.確かに僕も初めてのディスクブレーキ(Bianchi Cameleonte3)で効きすぎてコケた経験あるのでわかる気もします.ブリジストンマークローザのブレーキも全然効きませんが,そういう理由はあるのかなと感じてました.
狭い我が家には何故か自転車が6台あります.1台は修理中で,これは僕が曲がったディスクブレーキ交換の技術がつくまで解決しないビアンキです.もう一台は買ったばかりのロードバイク.さらにブリジストンのマークローザがあります.車に3台積める折りたたみはBrompton,KHS, DAHONなのですが,KHS F-20RCのブルホーンハンドルは2人に敬遠されて,彼らはブロンプトンかダホンの2択になります.
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原爆ドーム Bromptonの飛行機輪行 |
0 ~ 50km Brompton
20~100km KHS F-20RC
が距離的なイメージですが,街乗り,凹凸,荷物など状況にもよります.確かに僕が選んでも通勤や近所に行くならCLINH, 荒川ならKHSが頭に浮かびます.Bromptonは飛行機輪行も経験済みですし,車載もMINIのトランクスペースに可能だったり,かわいい形状も言うことないんですが...
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折りたたんだ時の機能美は男心を 可愛さは女心をくすぐるか? |
Brompton is not popular.
The Brompton is very popular all over the world, partly due to the Corona disaster, and we're out of stock in no time at all. Probably the new colors for 2021 will also sell out quickly ... It's so popular, I hope it doesn't end up like the Rolex. I want to buy another one too, but I can't afford it.
But the Brompton is not popular in our family.
When I suggested on Saturday night, "Let's go pottering tomorrow Sunday when it's sunny," my son (Tiga) and his wife (Todokoro) wanted to ride DAHON CLINCH. They are on the verge of starting a quarrel. Why? they said it's because it's easy to ride. With many gears, stability, saddle stiffness, etc. She says it's safe to say that the brakes don't work well. Surely I can understand it because I also had an experience of crashing on my first disc brake (Bianchi Cameleonte3). After all, it worked too hard. The brakes on a Bridgestone Mark Rosa don't work at all either, but I was wondering if there was a reason for that.
For some reason, we have six bicycles in our small house. One of them is being repaired, which won't be worked until I get the skills to replace the bent disc brakes. The other one is a new road bike I just bought. Also, there is a Bridgestone Mark Rosa. The three folding options for the car are Brompton, KHS, and DAHON, but the bullhorn handle on the KHS F-20RC is shunned by two of them, leaving them with a choice between Brompton and Dahon.
From an old man's point of view, the functional beauty of the Brompton is second to none. Accuracy and perfection of the parts are high, and I love the ease of folding and the seamless shape when folded. To be honest, I wasn't interested in other folding bicycles until I found out about this one.
I'll do a comparison of all these bicycles.
0 to 50km Brompton
0 - 80 km DAHON CLINCH
20 to 100km KHS F-20RC
It depends on the situation such as city riding, unevenness, and luggage. Certainly, the CLINH comes to mind if I'm going to commute to work or neighborhood, or the KHS if I'm going to the Arakawa River...
It depends on the situation such as city riding, unevenness, and luggage. Certainly, the CLINH comes to mind if I'm going to commute to work or neighborhood, or the KHS if I'm going to the Arakawa River... We have experienced airplane-routing with Brompton, and I can't say enough trunk space of BMW MINI for other folding bikes. The cute shape is also great...
Maybe it's better for the two of us to be able to ride honestly and not get tired ... Though it is a petit pottering of 30km at the most, so it should be very fun to ride any of them.
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