
秋の気配@国営武蔵丘陵森林公園 with Brompton, KHS and DAHON 





公園の中に入るまでは,公園の内も外もあまり変わらないでしょ? と思っていましたが,入ってすぐに少し色づいた巨木に圧倒され,園内のサイクリングロードでは道すがら様々な色彩が楽しめました.コリウスの花畑で休憩をして,東松山の味噌ダレで味付けした焼き鳥を食べて,1.5週してきました.3週ぐらい余裕で回れると思っていたのですが,平日の疲れが取れてません.早々に切り上げて帰ってきました.園内外にも行きたいところはあったのですけど...運動広場の赤そばの花とか,熊谷の釜めしとか...




We didn’t  expect improving weather over the weekend, but miraculously it started to clear up on Sunday. I'm sure all of you who have been working hard are probably exhausted this weekend, but we need a refresher to get through next week.

So, we went out with three folding bicycles in the car with no destination in mind, but I can't think of any place where I can go pottering easily. We decided to ride around the bike path in the forest park.

If you leave your car at Forest Park station, you can enjoy the bike path from there to the park. It is also useful when the park parking lot is full.

It's not much different inside and outside the park until you're inside it, is it? But as soon as we arrived at the park, we were surprised by the beautiful huge trees that had little bit turned red, and we could enjoy various colors along the bike path in the park. We took a rest in the flower garden of Coleus and ate grilled chicken which was seasoned with popular miso sauce of Higashi-Matsuyama. In the end, we went around the path 1.5 times, but we came back early because we couldn't had got rid of exhaustion of weekdays.

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